- 黃芳誼(2024)。東亞零工經濟、共享經濟、數位平台工作者之工作褔利與社會保障。社區發展季刊,187(1),43-55。
- 黃芳誼, & 劉俊良. (2024). 民眾對司法制度與警察系統信任因素之研究. 犯罪學研究, 4, 55–87. https://doi.org/10.30200/RC.202409_(4).0002 (匿名雙審)
- 黃芳誼、葉崇揚(2024)。進步的兩難:臺灣福利沙文主義特徵的經驗檢證,《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,28(1) ,47-97。(TSSCI)
- Rueyling Tzeng, Fang-Yi Huang, Jaein Lee (2023, Jun). Compliance, procrastination and refusal: American COVID-19 vaccination trust and value orientation. Vaccine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.06.060. (SCI)
- Fang-Yi Huang, Jiun-Da Lin (2022, Nov). Women’s political empowerment and social protection responses to COVID-19. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 32(3), 213-227. (SSCI)
- Fang-Yi Huang ,Chung-Han Ho ,Jung-Yu Liao,Chao A. Hsiung,Sang-Ju Yu,Kai-Ping Zhang,Ping-Jen Chen (2021, Feb). Medical care needs for patients receiving home healthcare in Taiwan: Do gender and income matter?. PLOS ONE. (SCI)
- 黃芳誼、林竣達(2021年12月)。搖而不墜:論川普政權下歐巴馬健保的發展。人文及社會科學集刊,33(4), 567-617。(TSSCI)
- 黃芳誼、林竣達(2020年09月)。新冠病毒與失能的美國民主:一個情感極化與資訊來源的解釋。臺灣民主季刊,17(3),1-49。(TSSCI)
- 黃芳誼(2019年06月)。1989-2011年臺灣五十歲以上中老年男女性憂鬱指數差距的發展。社區發展季刊,165,351-366。
- 黃芳誼(2019年06月)。美國醫療補助保險計畫的發展與川普的健保改革。國會季刊,47(2),28-48。
- 黃芳誼、林竣達(2018年03月)。評析美國性別薪資不平等。國會月刊,46(1),36-59。
- 黃芳誼(2018)。評析大麻合法化政策的發展與影響:以美國與加拿大為例。關鍵評論網。
- 黃芳誼、林竣達(2016)。評析美國貧富差距的惡化與歐巴馬的改革。國會月刊,44(10),52-70。
- 黃芳誼(2014)。美國老人退休金能減輕窮人負擔與健康不平等嗎?。社區發展季刊。(147),285-299。
- 黃芳誼(2014)。社會控制理論檢驗青少年偏差行為影響因子之實徵性研究。刑事法雜誌,58(6),95-137。
- 黃芳誼、林明傑(2012)。未竟的改革檢視臺灣心智功能障礙性侵害者之處遇政策。社區發展季刊,(135),311-326。
- 黃芳誼、林明傑(2012)。性侵害犯強制治療的下一步?功能性整合的社區:北美 Vermont州的經驗啟示。刑事法雜誌,56(5),95-137。
- 黃芳誼(2011)。以控制理論探究十名老年初犯之質性研究。刑事法雜誌,55(3),61-122。
- 黃芳誼(2025), 從窮人身上賺錢?美國社會福利民營化發展初探, 社福民營化中的第三部門: 國際趨勢與在地發展, 59-82, 台北:巨流, ISBN:9789577327291
- Fang-Yi Huang & Jiun-Da Lin (Accepted). Explaining gender-sensitive measures for COVID-19: the role of Women’s transnational organizations. Springer.
- Jiun-Da Lin, Fang-Yi Huang. Gale Researcher Guide for Global Conflict (ISBN: 9781535860864). Michigan, USA: Gale. Aug, 2018.
- Fang-Yi Huang, Ardelt Monika. Pathways to Retirement in Taiwan: Do Ethnicity and Cohort Matter?. Who Wants to Retire and Who Can Afford to Retire? (ISBN: 978-1-83962-477-3). London, UK: IntechOpen. Apr, 2020: 1-32.
- Fang-Yi Huang & Traute Meyer, Pension reform and the gender pension gaps in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 社会政策学会第 149 回大会, 2024 年 10 月 19〜20 日に大分大学, Japan
- Fang-Yi Huang, Gender Justice in Individual Retirement Account Systemsthe Cases of America, Japan, and Taiwan American Political Science Association's 120th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, September 5-8, 2024, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Chung-Yang Yeh , Fang-Yi Huang , Ijin Hong , Yeun-Wen Ku. Criteria for Identifying Deserving Beneficiaries of Developmental Social Policies in Taiwan: A Conjoint Analysis.2024 EASP & FISS Joint Conference. 13th & 14th June 2024. Tokyo. Japan
- Fang-Yi Huang & Traute Meyer. Women's gains offsetting men's losses? Gender pension gaps in Europe, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, 2024 EASP & FISS Joint Conference. 13th & 14th June 2024. Tokyo.
- Fang-Yi Huang & Chung-Yang Chung &Yeun-Wen Ku. To Choose or Not to Choose: Do the Taiwanese want more Choices in Pension Provision? —An Experimental Survey.2024 EASP & FISS Joint Conference. 13th & 14th June 2024. Tokyo. Japan
- 黃芳誼、葉崇揚. " Does public pension crowd out private transfer in East Asia?." Paper presented to ." 台灣三峽:國立臺北大學社會學系,台灣社會學年會, (Nov. 18-19, 2023).
- Fang-Yi Huang, Gender Pension Gap in Taiwan, Japan, and U.S. 多様化する社会における福祉体制の動態―日韓台比較研究を通した理論開発, March 10, 2023. College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
- Fang-Yi Huang & Jiun-Da Lin. Explaining gender-sensitive measures for COVID-19: the role of Women’s transnational organizations. Global Role of Asia-Indo Pacific in International Relations: Anthropocene, Peace and Security. August 8-10, 2023. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
- Fang-Yi Huang, Ken Ka-wo Fung, Jaein Lee, Jiun-Da Lin, Rueyling Tzeng. "Parents’ Attitudes toward the Vaccination Mandates." Paper presented to ." 台灣屏東:國立屏東大學社會發展學系,台灣社會學年會, (Nov. 12-13, 2022).
- Fang-Yi Huang, Jaein Lee, Rueyling Tzeng, Jiun-Da Lin, Who Supports Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates in US?,” co-authored with Fang-Yi Huang, Jiun-Da Lin, Jaein Lee. Paper presented at Conference on Population, Family and Health. 人口、家庭與健康」學術研討會, 中研院歐美所(July 29,2022).
- The Impact of Women Political Empowerment on the Provision of Sick Paid Leave and Unemployment Benefits: Cross-National Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Taipei, Taiwan, 台灣社會福利學會,May 15, 2021
- Gender Gap in Health: Do Age and Period Matter, Taipei, Taiwan,輔大社科院「適應改變:健康與韌性老化」研討會, May 7, 2021
- Medical Care Needs for Patients Received Home Healthcare in Taiwan: Does Feminization of Poverty Matter? Taipei NTU, Taiwan台灣社會學年會, Nov 28, 2020
- Labor Standards and Social-Distancing: the Example of U.S. COVID-19 Taipei Sinica, Taiwan歐美與台灣針對新冠肺炎防疫機制之比較研究學術研討會, Oct 31, 2020
- Who Receive Social Security Retirement Benefits early: Do Gender and Cohort Matter? Taipei NTU, Taiwan, 台灣人口學年會Sep 19-20, 2020
- What are the Pathways to Retirement: Do Health and Cohort matter?, Austin, Texas, Gerontological Society of America, Austin, Texas, Non 13-17, 2019
- Pathways to Retirement in Taiwan: Do Ethnicity and Cohort Matter?, Boston, Massachusetts, Gerontological Society of America, Non 14-17, 2018
- Socioeconomic status and the changing gender gap of self-reported health in Taiwan during 1989-2011, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 11-14, 2018
- Socioeconomic status and the changing gender gap of depression symptoms in Taiwan during 1989-2011, Population Association of America, Denver, Colorado, Apr 26-28, 2018
- The persistence and changing gender gap of depression symptoms in Taiwan during 1989-2011, Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, Maryland, February 23-26, 2018
- To work or not to work: Do ethnicity and cohort matter?, American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15, 2017
- Does gender gap of self-rated health close by age and year in Taiwan during 1989-2011?, Population Association of America, Chicago, Illinois, April 27-29, 2017
- Retire or not to retire: Does ethnic identity matter?, The Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, April 6-9, 2017
- Does gender gap in SES-health nexus converge in Taiwan between 1989 and 2003?, Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, Canada, October 22, 2016
- Path analysis for the timing of receiving social security income, Florida Society of Social Science Conference, Gainesville, Florida, March 19, 2016
- Who receives social security income earlier?, The Institute of Learning in Retirement, the 6th Annual Student Aging Research Exposition Conference, Oak Hammock at University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 23, 2016
- The social determinants of receiving social security income, Clinical and Translational Research, Aging and Health Conference, UF Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida, September 30, 2015
- An empirical analysis between race, gender, education, poverty threshold, health status, and social security income, Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 5, 2014