一、學術著作 Academic Publications
- 2025 Yu-Hui Kao. Effect of security threats and cultural values on public perceptions of state surveillance: a multilevel analysis of 37 countries. Information, Communication & Society, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2025.2462781 (SSCI, IF=4.2)
- 2022 Yu-Hui Kao* and Stephen G. Sapp. The effect of cultural values and institutional trust on public perceptions of government use of network surveillance. Technology in Society 70, 102047 (SSCI, IF=9.2) *通訊作者
- 2020 Yu-Hui Kao* and Stephen G. Sapp. Is community attachment a determinant of actual migration? : An estimate of the social capital, liner-development, and systemic approaches. Social Science Quarterly 101(1): 201-217. (SSCI, IF=1.176) *通訊作者
- 2020 Yu-Hui Kao* and Stephen G. Sapp. Is Social Capital as a Determinant of Community Attachment. Sociological Spectrum 40(2):136-150. (SSCI, IF=1.063) *通訊作者
- 2019 Yu-Hui Kao. An Exploratory Analysis of the Perception of Community Boundaries and Community Attachment: Taipei City as an Example.《國家與社會》21: 91-118. (經匿名審查)
- 2014 Chen, Y. Y., Chen, L., Kao, Y. H., Chu, T. S., Huang, T. S., & Ko, W. J. The over-optimistic portrayal of life-supporting treatments in newspapers and on the Internet: a cross-sectional study using extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation as an example. BMC medical ethics, 15: 59. (SCI, SSCI)
- 2014 Chen, Y. Y., Chu, T. S., Kao, Y. H., Tsai, P. R., Huang, T. S., Ko, W. J. To evaluate the effectiveness of health care ethics consultation based on the goals of health care ethics consultation: a prospective cohort study with randomization. BMC medical ethics 3;15(1):1. (SCI, SSCI)
- 2011 Chen, Y. Y., Lee, M. B., Kao, Y. H., and Chiu, T. Y. The Educational Needs and Contents of Continuing Medical Education on Biomedical Ethics in Taiwan. 醫學教育, 15(3), 270-280.
- 2011 高郁惠、陳彥元。臨床倫理諮詢的挑戰。醫療品質雜誌。第五卷第三期。
- 2011 高郁惠。網路社群中消費符號意義的建構:以批踢踢實業坊星巴克板為例。資訊社會研究。第19期。頁101-129。
二、研討會 Conference
- 2024,高郁惠。客家人口遷移與客語能力之探討。台灣人口學會。台北:台灣大學。
- 2023. Yu-Hui Kao. Mediating Effect of Institutional Trust on the Public Attitude toward State Surveillance. The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. International Sociological Association. Australia, Melbourne. June 25-July 1.
- 2022,高郁惠。Effect of Security Threats on Attitude of State Surveillance: A Multilevel Analysis of 37 Countries。台灣人口學年會。線上會議(2022年5月14日)。
- 2021,高郁惠。民眾對公共監控系統使用的態度:文化價值、制度性信任的影響。台灣社會學年會。台灣社會學年會,台北:東吳大學(2021年11月27-28日)。
- 2021,高郁惠,Can we trace population movement and their activities? Cultural explanation on the issues of network surveillance. 台灣人口學年會。台灣大學公衛學院(2021年4月24日)。
- 2021,高郁惠。【圓桌論壇】「新社會學想像:疫後人生」論壇,後疫情時代的科技監控。台灣社會學年會,台北:東吳大學(2021年11月27-28日)。
- 2020,高郁惠。【圓桌論壇】新社會學的想像:AI 社會,What defines us human beings?。台灣社會學年會,台北:台灣大學(2020年11月28-29日)。
- 2019,高郁惠,人力資本、社會資本與地方性資源對台灣人口遷移的影響。2019年台灣社會學會。台北:中央研究院 (2019年11月30日-12月1日)。
- 2019 Yu-Hui Kao. Determinants of inter-regional mobility in Taiwan in 2015. Annual Meeting 2019, Population Association of Japan (PAJ). June 1-2, 2019, Kagawa University.
- 2019 Ming-Chang Tsai and Yu-Hui Kao. The Perceptions of Tax Inequality and Demand for Redistribution: A Global Multilevel Analysis. The 16th EASP Annual Conference. July 2-3, 2019.
- 2019,高郁惠,社區資本對台灣縣市人口遷移的影響。台灣人口學年會。台北:輔仁大學(2019年4月19-20日)。
- 2018,高郁惠,國內遷移對於女性薪資的影響。東吳大學社會系45週年系慶。台北:東吳大學(2018年10月26-27日)。
- 2018,高郁惠,「社區依附」的測量指標與居民對「社區範圍」的認知:以台北市為初探。2018年台灣人口學年會。台北:政治大學(2018年4月13-14日)。
- 2017 Yu-Hui Kao. Social capital as a determinant of community attachment. paper presented at Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Milwaukee: Midwest Sociological Society.
- 2016 Yu-Hui Kao. The impact of “nonmetro to metro” migration versus “metro to nonmetro” migration on married women. paper presented at Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Chicago: Midwest Sociological Society.
- 2014 Yu-Hui Kao. The exchange of business cards as the ritual of intermediate interaction. paper presented at Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Omaha: Midwest Sociological Society.
- 2010 Yu-Hui Kao and Johannes Han-Yin Chang. SOCIAL FIELD AND CORRUPTION: The Case of China under Radical Social Transformation. paper presented at Taiwanese Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
- 高郁惠,111年度【科技監控作為一種政府治理:文化價值、制度性信任與社會福祉的影響】111-2410-H-031-048-MY2(執行期間:111/08/01 ~ 113/07/31)。補助金額:NT$ 1,065,000。計畫主持人。
- 高郁惠,108年度【地方創生如何進行 ? 一個關於社區 (與區域性) 資源,對「非都會區人口外流」與「社區意識」建立的探究】108-2410-H-031-005-(執行期間:108/04/01 ~ 109/03/31)。補助金額:NT$ 515,000。計畫主持人。