
Adam Horalek

Adam Horalek

最高學歷:PhD in Ethnology, Charles University, CZECH
專長:Ethnicity and Nationalism, Anthropology of Aging, Chinese ethnic minorities, Chinese Overseas, Taiwan
PhD in Ethnology, Charles University, CZECH
為強化本系「中東歐社會研究」特色發展,本系107年3月20日106學年度第二學期第一次系務會議通過邀請捷克Pardubice大學社會與文化學系系主任Adam HORÁLEK助理教授於107年5月31日至11月30日蒞系訪學(訪問學者)。HORÁLEK教授來訪期間除進行個人研究計畫、參與本系45週年系慶學術研討會並發表論文外,也將透過工作坊、專題演講等活動形式參與本系學術活動。本系竭誠歡迎HORÁLEK教授的到訪,茲將教授個人簡歷簡述如下,敬邀師生把握機會多與學者互動交流學習。
Adam Horalek, Ph.D.
He is a head of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Pardubice, the Czech Republic and currently is a visiting professor at our department. Before joining the Anthropological team in Pardubice, he has worked at the Asia Studies Department at Palacky University in Olomouc, at the Department of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, and is permanent hosting lecturer at the Charles University in Prague – Department of Geography. He got his Ph.D. from Charles University in Ethnology in 2011. His research is focused on three major topics: ethnicity and nationalism, anthropology of aging, and Chinese overseas. Geographically he is predominantly occupied with East Asia, especially with China and Taiwan. In his studies he combines anthropological and geographical approaches. As a visiting scholar at our department, his research project aims to study the relation between aging and nation building in Taiwan in comparison to other Asian countries. He has published several papers and two books, mainly in Czech, but also in English. With prof. Cheng Ter-hsing they have published a chapter on contemporary Chinese diaspora in Prague, Czech Republic as a part of the edited book by Zhou Min Contemporary Chinese Diasporas (2017, Palgrave Macmillan). He gradually develops and supports student as well as academic exchange and cooperation between Soochow University and his university.